Beauty Products That I Use

23 Februari 2014

Hi! I'm coming back! :)
This time I want to show beauty products that I use. I use it almost every day. Want to know? This is it...
 I love Vaseline's product as my body moisturizer. I am currently using two of Vaseline products are cocoa glow and healthy white. So far, Vaseline never made me dissapointed.

 This is my favorite toner's product! Clean & Clear! :3

 I need a lip balm to make my lips moist. Finally, I chose a lip balm from Maybelline. I like the results on my lips. But I want to try the lip balm from other products.

 For powder, I chose halal cosmetics is Wardah! :)
and I also like to use mask sheets of some brands. Because in my city, rarely sold mask sheet so I hope via online store or get a giveaway's gift that mask sheet. My face became more refreshed after using it. The various scents offered by the mask sheet. It makes me not bored to use.

Bye! See you on next posts! 

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4 komentar

  1. Vivelle masker wajah pun enggak ada Sel di sana? Vaseline aku suka sunblocknya. Paling murah soale hehehe...

    1. Nggak pernah pakai Vivelle ._. Bagus kah itu, kak?
      Hhi aku malah ga pernah pakai sunblock *hitam = eksotis wkwk*


Tinggalkan jejak yuk ^^ Jangan pelit- pelit~ ❤